Go to central Asia for a penny
Posted on 03/03/2020 8:57am
At the start of fresh year, a lot of people begin to dream of future vacations. Nothing surprising in that, cause winter could be very hard on us, and we're longing for any sunny days.
Nowadays, we got many options to select when we're thinking of travel, all because of small airline companies. When you like to go somewhere less typical, you should consider central Asia.
Did you ever heard of Tashkent Vacation in this metropolis of Uzbekistan could be really fascinating. Since few years, we are able to travel in there straightly from Warsaw, cause new flights are affordable. If you like to fly there for a song, you need to reserve tickets six months earlier - beginning of the year is the best term! Beside, if you are not thinking to stay there for more then two weeks, you can even save some money on your luggage - checked in is not relevant, you should fit every of your things into carry on, which is free of payment.
You are probably wondering, what attractions would be affordable for you when you choose Tashkent vacation. First of all, if you want to enjoy some amazing panorama over the city, you should buy a ticket to TV tower, situated in the middle of this capital. Also, if you're big fan of history, Amir Timur Museum should be ideal for you - this exhibition contains each artifacts linked with this Mongold overlord. If you are traveling with your kids, you've to visit Zoo, one of the biggest complex this kind in central Asia. A lot of interesting species are gathered in there, you'll have a nice day - .
![tashkent vacation drink](http://img.styalcricket.co.uk/images/1505/5549d941c8fb7___flickr_17332889026_w154.jpg)
Author: Martin @pokipsie Rechsteiner
Source: http://www.flickr.com
Tashkent vacation is a perfect alternative for all voyagers, who are tired of conventional locations.
Any of them will find something interesting in that capital, even family with little children. This tour wouldn't cost you a lot of cash, cause cheap airline tickets are affordable from Poland.