Preparation for holidays in Asian countries
Posted on 03/03/2020 8:57am
Asia is one of the top vacation goals for Polish citizens nowadays. Since several years, airplane tickets to India, Vietnam or Japan are becoming cheaper, therefore nothing weird is in this trend.
Author: Thomas Rousing
but if you're wondering about next summer in some exotic country you have to prepare yourself very carefully, especially when you like to spend plenty of time outside your hotel.
Exotic places, such as Cambodia and India for instance, are totally different then ours. People, who are dwelling in there got different microbial flora, therefore they may eat whatever they like in their land without filling sick. Unluckily, when Polish person will drink not boiled water or dirty food, it's big chance of some bad gastric condition. That's why you should take on a plane with you some medications for vomits and diarrhea. Also, couple of months before the trip don't forget to check recommended vaccines, you need to take before vacation. It may be for Ebola, ague and dysentery, your travel agency should also remind you about that.
If you're going to see some of oriental city jungle for vacation, you have to get ready for a huge amount of people on streets. Places such as Bangkok and Mumbai are a home for plenty of millions of people, so it could be very surprising for you at start. And with such a big crowd you have to don't forget about robbers, they're very common.
Do not walk on the street with too much cash with you, hide your passport in the hotel, do not go to the shady and lonely alleys. Asia is also famous for entirely different culture, which you, being a visitor have to respect. It will help you to avoid a lot of unpleasant situations. Especially you have to pay attention in Muslim countries.